Scoring and Leaderboard

The scores are based on a weighting of the low, medium, and high events (for acceleration, braking, speed, cornering, and distracted driving). The length of the trip is also taken into consideration.

Smartphones differ in model and operating system and use different sensors, which may result in a scoring fluctuation. Passengers handling their smartphone during the trip may also result in a fluctuation in scoring.

The Leaderboard is an interactive feature that allows you to compare your driving scores to other NJM SafeDrive participants. The Leaderboard resets each month and is informational only. The Leaderboard shows your selected display name and user image, Leaderboard level, and driving scores.

  • To join the Leaderboard, click Public Leaderboard, select the three dots in the upper right corner, and click Join Leaderboard.

  • To leave the Leaderboard, click Public Leaderboard, select the three dots in the upper right corner, and click Leave Leaderboard.

Once you have joined the NJM SafeDrive Public Leaderboard, click the + sign in the upper right corner. You can search for other drivers using their NJM SafeDrive display name or email address. Click Next, enter a name for your Leaderboard, and click Create. The driver(s) you invite will receive a notification in their NJM SafeDrive app which they must accept to join your Leaderboard.